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Dust Hazard Analysis

Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis

Combustible Dust
  • Is there a hazard?
  • Where is the hazard?


A comprehensive DHA provides the answers to these fundamental questions.

Dustcon Solutions provides DHA services for all industries handling combustible dust.

The NFPA 652 Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust is the starting point for all combustible dust users. One of the major changes to come out of this new Standard is the requirement for facilities to conduct what is termed a Dust Hazard Analysis, or DHA.

For facilities or processes that handle dust, the owner/operator of that process has a responsibility to determine if the dust handled poses a combustible dust fire or explosion hazard. Additionally, the requirement for completing a DHA extends not only to new processes, but also extends retroactively to all facilities handling combustible dust regardless of when the facility was constructed.

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    Call us at (281) 350-0550

    or email us at [email protected]

    What Is A Dust Hazard Analysis?

    Dust Hazard Analysis, or DHA, is a systematic review with the intent to both Identify and Evaluate the risk of fire and explosion hazards within a facility or process handling Combustible Dust. The DHA is effectively your Road Map to Combustible Dust Safety.

    An effective DHA will :

    1. IDENTIFY where dust hazards exist within the process or facility and the risk posed.
    2. EVALUATE what safeguards are currently in place to protect the facility or process.
    3. RECOMMEND where additional safeguards should be implemented based on NFPA requirements and industry best practices.
    Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis Service

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